Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Cast Q&A: Adam

Adam likes photography, and he has 7 brothers and sisters. He'll be playing Ares at Hero Quest!

Tell us about your acting history.
I've been performing for almost ten years. Some of my favorites have been The Sound of Music, Les Miserables, and a Shakespeare competition.

What do you like about your character? What do you have in common with your character?
I like that Ares is strong, manly, and courageous. We're both determined, and we fight for what we want.

What's the bravest thing you've ever done?
I talked to a really cute girl even though I was nervous.

Who is your hero and why?
Severus Snape. He's brave, and he makes the ultimate sacrifice.

What do you like to do?
I like to sing and dance. And I love rock climbing.

What's your ultimate adventure:
The ultimate adventure I've been on was living in Ukraine for two years. It was hard, but I loved it.

Thanks Adam! See him at Hero Quest in August!

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